The introduction of computers and laptops in schools and colleges has brought about a different prospective of learning in these institutions. Technology, as conceptualized in laptops, has changed the learning criteria from textbooks to the Internet using in carrying out research (Susan Darst Williams, Technology 05, 2010). Therefore, technology has had more side effects towards the student learning than advantages in the field of studying that is why textbooks are more advantageous than laptops in developing student’s knowledge base.
The study of the evolution and history of computer technology and its development since the start of technological era has provided us with the first-hand information in utilization of computers, especially laptops and their effects on the society. Therefore, the evolution has seen the change in culture from what has been known as the transition of technology from the old age to the technological era of dotcoms.
The old culture of using textbooks and going to work not only from home but to work places is being dissolved by this nature of carrying work from home and school. The culture in which students used textbooks to work out their studies now has to been eluded by the introduction of laptops and technology in schools and even homes. There are two sides of a coin; different people can view the issue of technology in schools like a necessary step in helping students to face the current technological advancement, while others can view this step as the negative issue that has consequences to the way students utilize the resources they are exposed to or even change how they study, Jansons’ Advantages and Disadvantages of Laptops (13 April 2010). Therefore, in exploring the issues stipulated by this technology, we will find the underlining principles that can be viewed in both the positive and negative sides into this dissolved culture.
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In exploring this assumption, the positive impacts, which are definitely the advantages of using laptops and computers in our schools and work domain, have the main improvement from the old-cultured perspective which is yet too defined by the technological advancements in the field of education, business and communication. A working procedure is to define technology in schools with evidence or supporting information on its effects in the culture of studying in our preliminary schools. Students get exposed to a number of content when accessing the Internet, archives which they can Google articles, and other materials like downloaded movies, music, and visiting many sites with different contents. While tackling this issue, I am not going to choose one particular viewpoint since it will make the analysis easier.
Laptops are an important gadget in this modern culture of technology. Nowadays, technology runs our businesses from schooling to making money for our sustenance. Therefore, laptops are significant in our daily lives, especially in student’s perspective of learning. A laptop in school helps students to access first-hand information during class session or when working out assignments, Jansons’ Advantages and Disadvantages of Laptops (13 April 2010). Fortunately, they provide ready resources for doing the assignments and researching various aspects of class work. Moreover, they are easier to carry. Furthermore, using laptops in class will allow many students to change the habit of writing notes in books to taking notes by using laptops and type given assignments. As well as that, laptops can also act like sources in which students can access notes and share notes with their colleagues. Nowadays, many institutions have developed online management systems where students can access learning materials, check for any college mews or announcements, access their student accounts, check their performance results or even view any attached materials which can be useful to their learning agendas.
Susan Darst Williams, Technology 05, 2010
This has laid a good foundation for defining of pros and cons of using laptops in replacing textbooks in the history of learning institutions. Many points in the issue involve laptop security, technology involved and evolved (Gary Chapman’s 1998 ). Laptops have widened the field of learning and the contents researched. But they have also increased insecurity reasons, and this has become a place of interest.
Mary Bellis on the history of laptop computers (29th March, 2009): this provides the basic attributes in regards to the evolution of laptops since their inception in the year 1978 for the grid corporations (Gary Chapman’s 1998). Later in 1981s, it was used by NASA in their space shuttle project. This describes how the inception of laptop technology into our society has developed and changed through with technology in the field of communication and engineering.
Jansons’ Advantages and Disadvantages of Laptops (13 April 2010)
There is reliable information regarding laptops and their introduction to the daily aspects of our lives. Its advantages are generally based on the comparison between the necessary advantages of using laptops. Generally, they have more advanced concepts like their power utilization, which is very affordable and manageable for students and mobile business managers. Furthermore, laptops are portable and can be carried from one place to another. Reasoning here provides us with the basic functionalities of laptops with changing our lifestyles in the way we work, surf the Internet, and the content we can access.
Gary Chapman’s “Digital Nation” column on laptops replacing textbooks, (June 15, 1998)
He explores the possible options why laptops are necessary tools to make a student or child gain knowledge in the process of learning (Tracy 2010). He explores the options given which can help to make a student pass and explore a wider variety of options provided by laptops. In his opinion, the change in technological field also changes the way a student learns. Instead of laptops degrading a student studying morals, it will help to improve his/her knowledge if used precisely.
“How Laptops Work.” By Tracy V. Wilson and Robert Valdes, 13 April 2010
They generally try to provide a framework on how laptops can be used in our daily lives, and their primarily response is in accordance with what we use them for. If a student decides to use a laptop as a tool generally for studying and research in the field of knowledge gaining, it will be a perfect tool that will make his/her learning better. Deciding on whether to use a laptop like an entertainment tool and not for studying, the content a student is exposed to will also immensely affect his/her learning abilities and concentration.
The concept of laptops degrading the education system from the textbooks era may be threatening, but technology has enhanced the improvement of earning positive results rather than negative effects in institutions. However, students with laptops have shown improved skills as they spend a lot of time using computers or laptops while working on their assignments. Therefore, by this argumentative thesis it can be concluded that laptops provide students with higher researching on active learning with motivated of gaining knowledge on their own. Students with laptops are eager and fast in engaging themselves in problem-solving concepts and they technically show a higher interest in solving problems through the use of technology (Tracy 2010). Therefore, one can refute the issues of introducing laptops to our societies, but laptops are end products which can be used to provide useful means of developing good working assumptions and roles. Nevertheless, textbooks also try to engage students and teachers in order to explore their rich knowledge base. Textbooks and laptops therefore are both essential tools that can be use in our learning institutions.
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