Brown, S. A. (2011).Ethical issues and security monitoring trends in global healthcare technological advancements. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA).

In this 22 page article, the author elaborates on the benefits associated with the use of technology in curing the diseases affecting the population in the US. In his context, Brown states that major diseases like cancer can only be eliminated by the use of the modern technology and the use of technologically produced medicines. The government should therefore, allocate enough funds in the health care department for the improvement of the treatment. The use of modern technology will also ensure that the data is properly recorded in the daily hospital operations. This will ensure that the errors in record keeping are completely eliminated through the proper record keeping.

Farr, J. M., & Farr, J. M. (2007).Top 100 computer and technical careers: your complete guidebook to major jobs in many fields at all training levels(3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works.

According to Farr (2007), the use of modern technology is the only way out in eliminating some of the major illnesses affecting the people. In this context, the author was referring to most threatening diseases like the cancer which is taking millions of lives annually in the United States. The application of this modern technology in diagnosing and curing diseases will not only give a cure but also help prevent the spread of the disease detected. The use of technology in the treatment of these diseases will also ensure reduction in the expenses due to the reduced number of employees in the hospitals. This can also be an advantage because there will be little managerial tasks to be accomplished. In conclusion, the use of the electronic medical care will help boost the standards in hospitals and help in eliminating the major diseases like cancer.

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Rodrigues, J. (2012).Telemedicine and E-health services, policies, and applications advancements and developments. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA).

According to this article, there are numerous merits that can be associated with the use of technology in both the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The use of these equipments increases the accuracy in treatment, therefore, saving lives of the affected patients. Several advancements have been realized in the medicine sector where more improvised tools and machines are developed to help curb the major diseases. The machines developed have been a very vital diagnosing and treating of these diseases. It has been noted that major diseases like cancer are being eliminated by the application of these electronic advancements in medicine.

Moloo, J. (2010,May). Health information technology program’s effect on critically ill patients. Journal Watch.

This is a good example how electronic medical records and the use of telemedicine can improve the quality of care in hospitals. There is an explanation of the study that was performed in an acute care hospital. The study did show that the mortality rate in the hospital was lowered, and health care delivery was drastically changed.

Shachak, A., & Reis, S. (2009,August). The impact of electronic medical records on patient-doctor communication during consultation: a narrative literature review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 641-649.

This is an excellent source that shows the importance of the patient-doctor relationship. The article gives a good explanation on a study that was performed with doctors using computers and EMR with their patients. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of EMR with this communication. In conclusion, there were many advantages of EMR during the patient-doctor correlation.

Shukla, A., & Tiwari, R. (2011).Biomedical engineering and information systems: technologies, tools and applications. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference.

In this context, major benefits associated with the application of technology are discussed in depth. The use of technology has made the treatment in hospitals more safe and accurate thereby making it more efficient than it were some years before. Besides the efficiency of the technology in treatment, there are also benefits of reducing the expenses incurred during treatment. In the today’s mode of treatment, a lot of technological advancements starting with the diagnosis of the problematic illnesses.

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Shortell, S. M., Gillies, R., & Wu, F. (2010,March). United States Innovations in Healthcare Delivery.Public Health Reviews, 32(1), 190-212.

This article goes into depth about the different innovate approaches healthcare is doing today. There are three main organizational forms Patient-Centered Medical Home, Accountable Care Organization, and the Population Health Management System. The article goes into great detail about all three organizations and their implementation of EMR and other information technology advances.

June H. Larrabee, (1996) “US health-care revolution: cost and quality Challenges”, International Journal of Quality Science, Vol. 1 Iss: 2, pp.26 – 39

This 13 pages article talks health care revolution challenges, quality care and cost. The author June H. Larrabee discussed the challenges that the United States is facing and the way that health plans prepaid are gaining market share. Based on the author this challenge definitely affected health care providers, policy makers and payers and all others that are showed concern for maintaining quality care. In conclusion the author stated that the current challenges in the health care system in the United States of America are most driven by consumers’ role change, efforts to health care cost and concern for quality patient care. In order for these challenges to be met, further research is needed to provide better guidelines.

PwC. “Top Health Industry Issues of 2013.” Healthcare Payer News, Available on:>. Retrieved on Monday 25th March 2013.

Based on PWD Health research institute’s Top Health Industry issue of 2013, United States of America will be faced with “Consumer Health Revolution.” According to the article consumers are taking charge, consumers are taking direct role in the way their healthcare dollars are spent. The author goes on to say that consumers will need to be ready to face these challenges. The health care industry need to come up with a strategy that will help them retain their consumers. The main question from the article is if the country is ready for health care revolution. Based on the article, help plans most maximize the interaction of every consumers that are extremely important, whether that be via email, text, even on paper or on the web. The right approach is definitely needed, effective communication can be the best strategy to motivate growth and increase member’s retention.

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Robert H. Miller & Ida Sim. (2004), Physicians’ Use of Electronic Medical Records: Barriers and Solutions by Health Affairs ~ Volume 2 3, Number 2.

This 10 pages article is based the Electronic medical record, the way health information is being stored today. The Electronic medical record is a technology that make possible for health care professionals to eliminate paper documentation and have a total paperless chart. The article also explains that Electronic Medical Record can be very expensive and may not be that easy. Electronic medical records can help save time and decrease potential errors in the transcription of information. Staffs are able to download volume of information about numerous consumers.

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