Among the huge variety of living beings, the first place in the number of species is occupied by animals. There is no corner on Earth without animals. They live in the deepest ocean, in conditions of ...

Essay about Computer Technologies
Information technologies are currently developing with a rapidly increasing intensity, causing changes at all levels of being of the society and individual, including daily life. Moreover, most people...

Computers in Nursing Practice
Modern technology has penetrated all the spheres of human life. All developed countries are investing millions in new technologies, including computers. The importance of the IT field cannot be undere...

Space Technologies for Every Day
One should not underestimate the impact the space technologies have on our everyday life. Some of the appliances that we use in everyday life were originally designed to be used in the space industry....

Are Spell Checkers Effective?
Modern writers often use automatic spell checkers. They help save time and find many typos and errors. However, these programs and applications have several disadvantages. Read about the pros and cons...

Qualities of a Real Friend
People need communication. Friendship is not only an opportunity to talk about your problems and joys with someone but also the confidence that someone needs you and cares about you. A true friend is ...

Essay on Police Brutality
It’s a well-known fact that mass culture usually presents the police as a force that should oppose crime and ensure security as well as peace in the streets. This is actually the reason why such...

Definition Essay: Understanding Trust
Even the least selfish of us, when in a relationship, need something in return. Whether its friendship, family, dating, or any other type of relationships, the most basic, and at the same time importa...

Editing Tip When to Use “And” and “Or”
Some students experience certain difficulties with using “and” and “or” in the sentence because they do not fully realize the main functions of these words. Despite the common ...

Recommendations on Composing an Engaging Visual Essay
Guide to Writing a Visual Essay Although there is no fixed structure of a visual analysis, it should definitely be entertaining. A visual essay centers on a certain piece of artwork and must have an i...

Common Farewell Phrases for Your Letters
Did you know that similarly to the variety of letters, kinds of essays, hook sentences, there is not less number of ways to end your letter or email? Regarding a situation, your relationships with an ...

Three Steps to Write a Strong Rhetorical Analysis Essay
If you listen to political speeches, you must have noticed that politicians can use the identical facts to create totally different statements. The journalists reporting on political activity adopt th...

How to Write a 500 Word Essay
Essay is a great piece of writing where you have the freedom to present your own emotions, feelings, and thoughts. There are different types of essay and all of them have certain peculiarities. Among ...

Love in Poetry of the Medieval and Renaissance Eras
The theme of love prevailed in the Medieval and Renaissance poetry, which was mainly written in the form of lyrics and sonnets. It's captivating to explore it in the light of these eras because the-th...

Top 10 Free Online Libraries
Very important component of writing excellent papers is finding reliable, credible sources. You can find databases on the web, which give access to documentaries, articles, books, journals etc. Howeve...

Writing Research Paper Tips
The reason why most students find it difficult to cope successfully with writing any kind of academic paper is an insufficient practice of their writing skills. There is a range of repeated mistakes m...

Can Google Classroom App Kick-Off a New Age of Education?
More often we hear that modern education fails. Why is that? In order to understand we need to take a look at its inception. Conventional education was introduced to answer the challenges of the indus...

Discover Pros and Cons of Big City Life
Benefits and Downsides of Living in City Obviously, it depends on a personality whether one prefers to live in a hectic city or in a quiet countryside. As usual, both variants have their own advantage...

Two Best Ways of Making Money for Students
Recently, having a part-time job or any other source for making extra money has become extremely popular among students. It is always better to have in possession some cash rather than wait with empty...

Fantastic Mobile Apps that Will Make You Smarter
If you are prejudiced against modern technologies and doubt that they can really introduce some positive impacts in your life, you should definitely read on this article. There is really a plenty of m...

Starbucks Is Providing Employees with College Education
2014 became the year when there was concluded a partnership agreement between Starbucks and State University of Arizona. Within the frames of the agreement, there was set up a project that provided al...

How to Succeed in Online Classes
There enough reasons to take an online class. For example, because it’s cheaper, it unloads the following semester, it doesn’t require getting dressed every day, etc. However, besides all these ad...

How to Write About Culture?
Culture is generally understood as a set of characteristics that are attributed to a particular group of people. It affects the way people think about different issues and perceive the world around th...

What Is the Use of Keeping a Diary?
Many people, including successful writers, scientists, and world leaders, keep diaries. Have you ever wondered why they do it? What’s the use of diaries? First of all, keeping a diary is one of ...

Helpful Ways of Improving Your Grades in Physics
It’s a well-known fact that many students find Physics the most problematic subject that they need to pass being at college. They think that hiring a tutor or spending lots of time with textbooks mi...

How Technology Changes People’s Writing Style
As the time flies, many spheres of life are changing. People are improving their state of life from year to year, and are advancing more and more in making machines work for themselves. This process i...

Guide on an MLA Annotated Bibliography
What Is an Annotated Bibliography? An annotated bibliography is often used while gathering information for a research paper and is aimed not only at collecting useful for your topic sources but also e...

Top 7 Reasons to Write even if You Don’t Want It
Writing lab reports or essays is definitely not the most pleasant thing to do! Especially, when you don’t feel like doing it and start to think about all those things that you would rather do in...

Positions that Can Become Non-Demanded in 10 Years
Choosing future profession is an important and responsible step in life. There are plenty of things which have to be considered, such as personal preferences, aptitudes, financial aspect, and job mark...

Useful Things to Do during Summer Break
Every season has its own charm but most people say summer is their favorite time of year. This season fills us with joy and a sense of calm. As the weather is usually comfortable, it provides us with ...

The Ways to Stop Failing Accounting Exams
Exam is a nightmare for many students, especially if it is an exam in accounting. It may not only become a reason of a headache for you but also a reason to ruin your academic career. Sometimes, even ...

How to Create a Perfect Work Look
Although your professional skills and experience are key factors that guarantee a job, you should not underestimate the importance of professional business attire. If you want to feel confident wearin...

The Riskiest Myth about College
“You are wasting your precious years and thousands of dollars on something that will not necessarily bring you success in life.” Many students hear this dangerous myth studying at college and even...

The Best Ways To Prepare For Final Exams
Final exams are a stressful time for all students and there is hardly any exception. But, if you know how to prepare to your finals properly, you will be able to avoid excessive stress and perform exc...

6 Effective Steps to Learn Klingon
You might think that only those who do not know how to become professional in the language of William Shakespeare waste their time learning Klingon in the basements of their parents and look like real...

How to Launch a New Product
In this article, you will find several aspects of launching a new product into the market and will get the information on how to choose the major factors of marketing. Selecting a Market Strategy If y...

Top 7 Tips for Beginners to Find a Freelance Writing Job
Freelancing has become increasingly popular among fresh graduates seeking employment. My English-major friend, who is trying to find a freelance job, bombards me with exhausting inquiries. “What...

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing
A compare and contrast essay is an assignment in academic writing that involves the examination of several items that belong to one category. Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Steps Choose two items...

Things to Know about Romantic Relationships in College
Fresh View on Having Relationships in College When we go to college, we often expect to meet new people and build new romantic relationships. This article is devoted to something I learned from my pas...

E-Commerce Essay
E-commerce comprises the whole sales process starting from sales and marketing and finishing with remuneration and delivery. The specialists outline four major functions of e-commerce software. Catalo...

Where Can I Get My Paper Online for Free?
No matter how hard you search, but it is not that easy to find a good custom writing service online. Finding that one where you can order just any types of paper is even harder. However, if you are wo...

6 Tips for College Writing
Every college student needs to write an essay or a paper at some point. You’re lucky if you have an innate ability to compose a piece of writing on the spot. However, for many students, writing task...

Hot Tips to Win a Job Interview
Getting a job is a stressful process: once you’ve impressed the potential employer with your resume and cover letter, you must prove your worth at a job interview. This stage is intimidating because...

Book Reports
Students often get tricky assignments with the requirements that are hard to understand. Moreover, such tasks often require reading long and boring books to complete some kind of a report on them. To ...

Who Will Write My Book Report?
One of the most common tasks at high school, college and university is writing a book report. In this assignment, the student has to provide an observation of a chosen or suggested book, reveal its ma...

Talking About Love
Love is the issue, people have been disputing about since the creation of the mankind. The notion of love is interpreted in various ways and is accepted and felt by each person differently. Love exist...

World War ? Essay Topics
When you take a history class, you might need to write an essay on World War I. Keep in mind that this kind of paper has to be very informative. To make it informative, you need to do a profound resea...

Character Analysis of Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby is a classic novel that was written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald. This novel shows the glamour and chic of the Jazz Age, as well as greed and wealth of those who lived at that time. It...

On Hospitality and Loving Thy Neighbor
Hospitality relates to love, compassion, and mutual supportiveness. These are the qualities that help human species survive throughout the tens of thousands of years. From hunting the mammoths hundred...

Top 5 Productivity Methods
If you have to cope with a huge workload, it will probably interesting for you to know that there are some methods to enhance your productivity. Previously, our readers voted for the tips that they co...

6 Foods to Always Keep in the Fridge
When midnight craving sneaks up on you unexpectedly, it’s always handy to have a few things in your fridge that won’t make you feel guilty in the morning. Healthy and yummy, they will sate your hu...

The Most Popular and Delicious Foods
Although all people have different tastes that depend on their lifestyle, views, and living conditions, there is one thing that unites them all – food. It is not only a matter of survival. Food brin...