
Employee entitlement is a hot-button matter for a great number of business owners. The idea that some workers appear to think they are to be paid something merely for being at work is hardly acceptable for many business owners, who risk their money each day. The trouble is a lot of people would rather “consume paint chips” than manage the matter (Mueller).

Humans who exhibit this conduct have trouble adapting to novel circumstances and are not agreeable as they see themselves as a benchmark against which the conduct of others should be judged. Some scientists have depicted entitled humans as having imprisoned emotional evolvement, functioning as if they are approximately six years old with requirements that have to be met first. This is particularly difficult for the business owners to struggle with. This paper is meant to discuss the sense of entitlement that workers in the business world have today from the point of view of different scholars and researchers.

The Origin of Entitlement

According to the organizational psychologist Ben Dattner, the phenomenon of workers’ entitlement may be traced to the defective psychological contract between the company and a worker. He claims that a psychological contract is an inherent acknowledgement on the part of workers concerning what the worker contributes to the company and what he or she expects from it in return (Dattner). This psychological contract is shaped by the worker’s individual history – experiences at other organizations, for instance, and also by what a business owner states or delicately hints about what the worker will obtain for the work. When the worker expects to achieve what the manager is swearing, the result is a sense of entitlement to everything the person really gets.

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Richard A. Posner claims that whilst this may occur at any firm and with any worker, there are corporate circumstances, which make a perfect breeding ground for the entitlement. At the top of the list of those circumstances is malfunction to draw a precise line between a person’s work or the firm’s performance and the rewards, which the worker obtains (Posner 329). Without an obvious link of compensation to work, workers will think they deserve rewards, which are based on the other criteria (Taylor). Entitlement usually appears when workers start to believe that occupancy, experience and qualifications substitute for results, and they have those bonuses coming to them as they are devoted and the organization owes them. In addition, according to Moore, the resulting outcome on organizational culture and efficiency may be harmful (Moore).

There is one more idea concerning the emergence of the sense of entitlement. The usual dynamic in most companies nowadays is one in which managers, or the company as a whole, accept a “parent” role. They provide permission, criticism and even security. Whether it is performance estimation, compensation, or work tasks, managers believe they have to provide tasks or give a feedback. In the meantime, workers accept a “child” part. They are dependent on a parent for what they believe and how they sense. Whilst managers provide tasks and a feedback, workers are left to take them. Rather than perform, they merely respond to what is given. A feeling of entitlement is not simply the burden of the worker or the manager; it is cultivated by both groups playing their roles.

Erasing the sense of entitlement requires two parties to mature into adult roles. The transition to the adult role should be taken in baby steps. It is important to develop the self-awareness. To grow out of a parent role, managers have to realize how their behavior impacts a sense of entitlement in workers. The next step is to evolve skills. Becoming the adult takes practice. The action-based methodic encourages workers to grow out of an entitlement and in the sense of accountability.

The Research on Employees’ Sense of Entitlement

A “sense of entitlement” carries on to be noticed mainly in younger employees (Huhman). Entitlement, described as expecting bonuses without putting in the effort to value the bonuses, was the most common ground (21.5%) for a turn down in the professionalism over the last five years. More than half of all respondents-55.3%-  in the research conducted assert that young employees feel more entitled than the peers only five years ago (Huhman). Just 6.0% asserted it remained the same. Approximately a fifth part of those surveyed accused a growth in the entitlement as the need for rapid satisfaction. More than half of all respondents reported a boost in the entitlement among young employees (Huhman).

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The main grounds that business leaders gave for boosts in a feeling of entitlement were the requirement for instant satisfaction (19%); having been pampered (11.1%); a common feeling (10.6%); novel personnel expecting mid-career handling (10.6%); and a shortage of work moral (8.3%) (Huhman).

Researchers wished to realize if the age of people played any role in deciding whether or not the entitlement appeared. It would be reasonable to presuppose younger interviewees would be not so likely to assert entitlement among novel employees, which had augmented. Nevertheless, the research found the contradictory facts. The younger the interviewees were, the more likely they used to notice an augment in entitlement. Overpoweringly, (96%) interviewees carry on to say professionalism does play role in the decision to hire a person. The “capability to communicate” factored as the top approach of estimating the professionalism. Business leaders and HR professionals also often asserted that one’s attitude played a role in determining the professionalism (Huhman).

What Can Managers Do?

To stay away from developing the entitlement-rampant culture, it is highly recommended for companies to make sure that benefits, bonuses, and compensation are tied closely to work, that there is a constancy to these awards, and that subjectivity concerning the work is restricted as much as possible. “It is part of HR’s common challenge…” – says Brad Hams, – “promotion, selection and compensation have to be concentrated on transparent criteria, and it should be as objective and as reasonable as possible” (Hams 58-87). It begins with the job descriptions – a basic HR accountability. Lots of descriptions are extremely vague or do not actually set the bar enough, giving workers a lot of room for translating of what is expected of them.

“It is often smart to remind personnel concerning all the organization provides”, assert Gallagher and Ventura, the authors of “Who Are ‘They’ Anyway?” (Gallagher & Ventura 39-63). They advise launching “an aggressive teaching enlightenment program to demonstrate stuff how good they have it” (Gallagher & Ventura 39-63). They also offer to issue salary surveys regularly, so workers may obtain a precise sense of where they stand – and may value the business owners’ generosity. Many workers do not really realize of how much the business owner gives; these “total corporate compensation statements” may start to cure the situation (Slosar 79-115).

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It should be noted that when employees complain concerning some things, what they are actually usually complaining about, for example, that they do not feel valued, they do not seem listened to and understood (Slosar 79-115). According to Kathleen Driscoll, communication is the finest method to combat entitlement. Openness is the key to altering dysfunctional companies. The more the manager is straightforward, open and also the more he educates the personnel on dissimilar practices, the better it is for the entire organization. Generally speaking, a sense of entitlement is driven by a shortage of knowledge on the part of workers – it is not actually arrogance. It is managements’ job to educate (Driscoll).


Different scholars have various points of view concerning the origin of the sense of entitlement. Some researchers assert that the phenomenon of entitlement may be followed to the imperfect psychological contract among the firm and a worker. Other scholars claim that the sense of entitlement emerges due to the fact that many organizations today play a “parent” role.

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To keep away from evolving the entitlement-rampant culture, it is useful for firms to make sure that benefits, compensation and bonuses are closely tied to performance, that there is dependability to the awards, and prejudice concerning the work is restricted as much as possible. Additionally, the company has to shift to an adult role. It is highly recommended to evolve the self-awareness. To grow out of the parent role, business owners need to acknowledge that their behavior influences a sense of entitlement in personnel. The following step is to evolve skills. Also to combat the sense of entitlement, it is necessary to be straightforward and open. A sense of entitlement is determined by a shortage of knowledge on the part of a stuff – it is not in fact arrogance. And it is managements’ job to educate the employees and to erase the sense of entitlement.

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