
Nursing and proper ethics makes the profession admirable and fulfill its mandated duties, values, and vision. The philosophy developed is seen as a way to introduce nursing students to numerous ways that brings out the best nursing practice in the sector. The philosophy ensures that nursing patterns, evidence, and practices. This ensures that proper knowledge of nursing is passed through generations and they are well equipped to run the sector professionally.

My personal philosophy of nursing is based on Hood, (2009) in the book “Leddy & Pepper’s, Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing” and Cloutier, et al. (2007) in the article “locating Carper’s aesthetic pattern of knowing within contemporary nursing evidence, praxis and theory” the issues that are of concern include; development, theory, accountability, transparency, leadership, and care delivery that are encountered in the nursing career. Nurses must get involved in public policies, various changes in the health sector, management, multicultural factors, research, and technological responses that affect the field of nursing. The nurse-patient relationship, the numerous forms of knowledge, and the integration of different practices are also considered in establishing the philosophy.

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The mission

My mission is to offer high quality health care service that are standardized and customized to suit the patients and family members of the patients. This will be possible through commitment, research, education, collaboration, innovation, and advancement in technology. The health center will be bound by professional ethics that govern the field of nursing that ensure humane practices that ensure a health population.

The vision

My aim is to be the best and largest referral health care center regionally and to ensure the correct, ethical, and humane prevails in the nursing sector. This will be possible through continuous innovations, education, collaboration and research. The out-patient sector will aim to ensure effective and quality services to all patients that will make them announce to the rest of the population. Professionalism will be stressed in all departments and they will work hand in hand to provide the essential services. Change is inevitable and the health center will aim to adjust in accordance to the changes that will be forthcoming. An effective emergency department to handle any emergencies brought to the health center will be set up to ensure health in the center is prioritized.

Core values

A lot of attention and concern is given to: Client or patient: All the needs and requirements of the patient must be addressed by the health care systems in the center. The patient is the king and will be treated with high reproach and respect and hence addressing his/her needs.

Environment: We shall endeavor to create conducive environment to all patients which will attract them. This will include nice friendly customer care, quality care, high technology services, research, and skills. Collaborative efforts with the communities to offer beneficial knowledge that can help in preventing diseases will be encouraged. Close communication between the nurse – patient – family members will be encouraged to promote mutual benefits, respect, and an integrated health care system.

Health: We shall guarantee quality, efficient, and affordable services to the patients which will be in an aim to ensure a healthy nation.

Nursing: We guarantee excellence in the nursing profession that is characterized by a wide range of experience through practice, professional progress, and years of innovations and research.

The hospital: We pursue the vision and mission of the hospital accordingly that ensure that we stay at the top of services providence, innovation, research, and progress in the nursing careers.


Given the aims, goals, and objectives of the health center then the philosophy is comprehensive and all the ethical practices of the nursing are strictly followed. In following the vision and mission of the hospital we are bound to fulfill a number of principles, which include; accountability, being discrete with patient information, individualized patient care, a holistic, effective, and integrated patient care system, expertise, cultural understanding, patient involvement in the decision making process, proper governance and research, and development of high competence, integrity, and ethical qualifications. We shall also provide the families of any bereaved with psychological and any other available support so as to get though the loss and death of their loving one.

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We shall work tirelessly so as to ensure the psychological and physical well being of the patients admitted. Integrated collaboration and working together of all the nurses who will share experience while serving the patients will be encouraged. Recruitment of highly qualified and experience staff in the hospital will also work in ensuring quality services to the patients. Commitment of the hospital will always aim at excellence and perfection in practice, informatics, administration, knowledge, and research.

We shall provide an integrated education program that ensures that staff, patients, and their families are educated and informed in all matters pertain to health and in making informed decisions on their health. The staffs act as the most important vector of the information, since they will train their fellow staff, train the patients and other family members in matters concerning their health status, choices, and professional care needed.

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