Common Farewell Phrases for Your Letters

Did you know that similarly to the variety of letters, kinds of essays, hook sentences, there is not less number of ways to end your letter or email? Regarding a situation, your relationships with an addressee or purpose of your letter, there are certain requirements and recommendations on how to finish your writing. Get to know the best sign-off phrases for your letter in order not to seem weird or feel embarrassed because of your choice later.

First of all, let’s divide our possible farewell phrases into three categories which would be formal, semi-formal and informal or slang sign-off phrases.

Formal farewell phrases are predominantly used when you write to people you don’t know, unfamiliar enough with to use other types of concluding phrases, correspond with your employees or any other formal situations. To end a formal letter, it is appropriate to use such phrases as sincerely or sincerely yours, regards, until___, speak to you soon, have a nice day, I look forward to our next meeting and etc. When choosing phrases to finish your formal letter stay firm and succinct and avoid showing too many emotions in order not to shape the wrong reaction of your recipient.

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Semi-formal phrases may seem quite controversial for you as depending on the situation they may slightly change their connotation and be used both in formal and informal corresponding. Best wishes, all the best, best regards, thanks, thank you in advance, see you soon, looking forward to speaking with you soon, looking forward to hearing from you soon, take care, it was nice seeing you and etc. are meant to be used to establish or maintain contact with sponsors, representatives of companies, make acquaintances your friends, negotiate with colleagues or plan, confirm meetings with your good friends, chat with people who you really respect and want to show and express this respect even in a written form, with people who are older than you are or even with your friends and family members. Phrases that belong to the semi-formal category are quite universal and would perfectly match any style and manner of conversation. In case you hesitate, which farewell phrase to choose when corresponding with a specific person and can’t determine the level of intimacy to choose on your own, feel free to use any semi-formal phrase from the list above and you won’t regret.


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Informal or slang farewell phrases can be used only in case you do know the receiver very well and don’t have to make any positive first impressions. The informal style of chatting anticipates close-knit relationships with a person you are writing to. Among them are warm regards, truly yours, catch you later, smell you later, all right then, bye bye and etc. Don’t forget that according to a situation semi-formal farewell phases can supplement the list of your informal ways to say “goodbye”.

Remember that it is not necessary to use farewell phrases every time you are responding to an email chain. Evaluate a situation when writing a letter and never get confused with what farewell phrase to choose. And all the best!

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