Value of HR Technologies: Metrics and Stories
CedarCrestone and Oracle have outlined the value achieved by many institutions from Human Capital Management technologies. This account takes into consideration the advantages received from HR technologies by analyzing ten years of research work carried out by CedarCrestone. Besides that, it is comprised of investigations conducted by other organizations and three example stories explaining the effects of worldwide implementation, talent management and web 2.0 tools incorporated in it.
For the past ten years of work, the CedarCrestone has tracked the effects received from the diversity of workforce technologies. This report surveys success levels that include transaction cost, the HR staff- to- employee ratio and process metrics. There is a number of highlights in the ten years’ CedarCrestone survey experience. For instance, those people who adopt the brand- new technology often see the basic value and do not require to carry out cost justification.
The process of determining possible value from HCM technologies, relies upon the technology under review and the situation of the institution interested in implementing the technology. There is a number of techniques that are used in determining the value. These approaches include process savings, headcount changes, metrics, best practice outcomes and casual links and models.
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CedarCrestone, Oracle and Saratoga, come up with a series of business procedure snapshots for HCM progression that are available via Oracle sales agent. This report has indicated metrics connected with cycle time, cost, and quality for the HCM procedures. From the 2007-2008 system survey conducted by CedarCrestone, metrics complementing the business procedure snapshots are provided. Currently several metrics vary in industry and size. For example, the top quartile organizations for HR labor costs are mainly in the financial and retail services.
A number of institutions are interested in the experiences of other institutions that have already applied the same result, when considering implementing of a software solution. There are three scenarios from the public sector, retail, and high tech. Public sector institution faces more difficulties approving new technologies as their business case is not grounded on headcount diminution.
Retail institutions are seldom early adopters of technical knowledge that is not part of their customer value proposition. For high tech institutions, adopting something high tech is their duty, but they model its application, mostly before selling it.
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