Life-Long Learning and Self Care: A Self Analysis Using the 10 Road-Tested Trip-Tips by Erlene Grise-Owens
Life-long learning has been described as a continuous process, which empowers and stimulates individuals to gain skills and knowledge needed throughout their lives. The skills and knowledge are then applied where necessary with passion and good health (Teunissen & Dornan, 2008). This paper will analyze my life-long learning, while staying healthy pursuing a bachelor’s degree in social work. In the analysis I will be using the 10 road-tested trip-tips by answering some set of questions. 
Trip-Tip 1- You are the Driver
This highlights that a person is in charge of his/her own success; success can be achieved by coming up with realistic goals (Grise-Owen, n.d). The questions are:
1. What are your goals and standards for your education? I will finish the degree course within the academic period outlined. I will ensure that I achieve academic excellence by attaining a minimum of a ‘B’ in all courses.
2. What self-care plan will you implement to ensure that you will stay in charge of your own success? I will ensure that I balance my studies, social life and spiritual life by having a healthy work plan and sticking to it. I will join volunteer work near the university, as this is a good way in which I can give back to the society in which we operate (Cournoyer, 2011).
3.  How will you add value to you academic life? I will ensure that I take good care of my body. Having a healthy body ensures that one makes sound judgments all the times and has a sustainable development.
Trip-Tip 2-Do not Travel Alone
The journey can get difficult and lonely in that, the academic workload can be overwhelming. It is advisable to share ideas with other people. The questions are:
1. Who are the important people to help you with your social work education? My study mates will be part of my long term success and also the lecturer who mentors me.
2. What are the plans for using your support systems? I will ensure that I meet all deadlines set for assignments when faced by a particular challenge; I will be communicating early enough to the concerned authorities.
3. How will you deal with demanding deadlines? In cases where the deadlines are overlapping, I will sort extension from the Professor after getting an approval from the class.
Trip-Tip 3-Don’t take on too many Passengers or Baggage
One should eliminate all the unnecessary weights, that is, all things which are not necessary. The questions are:

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Who are the people that will cause you problems? These are students who are time wasters. These groups of students compose those who do not target high grades in school.

How will you choose the people that will walk with you? I will look for fellow students who are working towards similar or higher goals than mine (Cournoyer, 2011).
Trip-Tip 4- Have an Itinerary
It should have scenic routes, rest stops and maintenance plans. The questions are:
1. Describe your specific plan to keep you healthy. I will be attending gym classes to stay in shape.
2. Describe the details of the specific plan. I will be attending the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1700hrs for a minimum for 1 ½ hours.
3. Why is it important for you to stick to a plan? This is important because it ensures that one has discipline and that he/she can be trusted to carry out a particular task without difficulties.
Trip-Tip 5-Be Prepared for Car Trouble
Ensure the use of professional resources.
1. What resources will you need as you continue your education and practice? I will use professional and campus resources. 2. How will you know when to use those resources? I will use critical self knowledge in evaluating my situations. This way, I will be able to know where to seek for help. 3. How will you deal with situations that will throw you off balance? I will move on and note that there are road blocks along the way. However, the most crucial thing is that, there is a breakthrough for those who overcome these challenges (Cournoyer, 2011)

Trip-Tip 6-Ask for Directions

On this journey, seek directions! The questions are:
1. What might you specifically need help with? I will need help in areas of academic excellence. This is especially in subjects which I will find difficulties in handling very well.
2. Who will be the specific people that you will ask for help? And why those people? I will seek help from my study group member and my mentor who will be in a position to guide me.
3. How will you deal with misleading information from trusted people? I will listen and make judgment. I will not follow misleading information, thus enabling me to act diplomatically on the same issue.
Trip-Tip 7-Keep your “ize” on the “Prize
This applies when one is traveling toward a particular destination with anticipation of challenges ahead. 
1. How will you keep your “ize” on the “Prize”?  I will prioritize, organize and partialize (POP) my work (Grise-Owen, n.d).2. How do you plan to prioritize, organize and partialize (POP) your work? I will ensure that I finalize the most demanding assignment first, develop timeline and calendars and I will work hard to ensure good results at all times. Further, there will be the need to segment my work by having mini-part as well as mini-deadlines (Compton, 2012).
3. How will you ensure that you are not left behind? I will ensure that every assignment is done as early as possible. This way, I will be able to avoid last minute’s rash, which often leads to poor results.
Trip-Tip 8- Follow the Road Rules. Practice Safe and Courteous Driving
The questions are:
1. What are the rules of the program that you need to follow? The professional way of handling assignments, the rules and regulation must be strictly adhered (Grise-Owen, n.d).
3. How will you remind yourself about the rules? I will have a summarized list of the dos and don’ts of the program. The program will then be placed in accessible areas, such as on my phone among others.
Trip-Tip 9-Enjoy the Journey
 One should enjoy the journey. The questions are:
1. How do you plan to enjoy your journey?  I will incorporate my hobbies in the program. By doing this, I will ensure full satisfaction as I will be able to manage the big work load effectively (Compton, 2012).
2. What are you going to do specifically to help ease the stress of the journey?  I will enjoy the journey; it will be like an adventure. The journey will be a teaching ground for me, thus being able to acquire lifelong skills.
Trip-Tip 10-Travel On
Ensure that there is a celebration at the end of it all
1. What are your plans once you receive your BSW Degree? I will continue and study a Social Work (MSW) degree program at master’s level.
3. What is the one thing that you will keep asking for more? The realization that learning is a life-long venture; therefore while I am at it, I will ensure that I stay focused, thus attaining my lifetime goals (Compton, 2012).

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