Various books has been published with the sole aim of exploring the Christian world, however, Cornelius Plantinga has manage to illustratively managed to capture and define the whole concept of Christian story as is exuded in his book. It is imperative to argue that, this book clearly delves into the basic historical, as well as confession and equally catechism parameters which define the Christian world. Thus, it is from such analysis, the author basis his argument; however, as he explores the core subjects of faith he fails to offer insightful and deeper analysis of faith which happens to be the principal pillar that defines Christian world.

Therefore, the book Engaging Gods World, definitely calls for the cultural engagement to be anchored along the same principles and objectives, which are envisioned in Christian world. But, though the book offers a helpful insight into the historical context, it lacks the weight that is sufficient for any serious reader or scholar interested in uncovering the veil that makes the Christian world to appear to be mystical.

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According to the authors stand, the theme explored in the book presents the Christian story, to be a story that defines the very presence of God, this is principally reflected by the fact that, unlike any other religious literature, the focal point here tends to tilt towards the human longing and a desire for hope, which compels the subject of this book to be broad. Consider the fact that, the author also attempts to define the Christian story to be the one by which, Christians yearn and for long an identity which is paramount tied to Jesus. This principal, as is seen in the book illustratively tied to the bible where the Christians base their argument in as far as their story of redemption and creation is based.

Some of the points, that the author makers are principally well researched, and am in a position to agree with such a stipulation where he avers that “It’s no disgrace to have more questions than answers. It’s not even surprising. There is much we don’t know about the world and much we don’t know about the meaning of Scripture” (Plantinga, 2002). Such an observation gives the book a perfect conviction of what the Christian is like. Though, I may fail to agree with every argument that the author has delved into, but it is vital to accept the fact that, the points he has opted to reflect to resonate with the broad context of Christian view in regard to their faith, hope worship as well as the world.

The other points that the author makes regarding Christian world view are intricately done through the sheer engagement of orthodox world perspective. It is from this angle I beg to differ with the author due to the fact that, Christianity due to the broad scope of faith is not confined to individual understanding of spiritual matters. It is important to point to the fact that, though the author attempts to present his case on vehicle of redemption analysis which Christianity and the Christian world is edged, what lacks is the instrumental conviction of why Christian world is such hooked to suffering unlike any other religious views of the world.

All in all, the author’s description of the Christian Worldview significantly differs in what I consider to be the world. This can be linked to the fact that, most religious authors do not explore the concept of religious world on the platform of logic and reality. Rather, they tend to be involved emotional and what they represent is what they perceive to be the reality. Thus, looking at the elaborate argument as painted by the author, there is a significant contradiction between what he executes as Christian world view in relation to my opinion of the world.

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Basically, the book provides Christian worldview and the principals which apply to Christian living. Forging a common ground with such analysis it is pivotal to aver that, the authors analysis stems from the fact that Christianity is shaped by discipleship which is instrumental in cultivating a profound life of faith (Weston, 2002). However, this stipulation doesn’t relate with what I configure to be the real world view.

Not that am a pagan or an atheist, but due to the nature of contemporary world, it is crucial to understand that all humans as well as all creation are interdependence, whether one is a Christian or a pagan. For instance, consider this observation, “On the one hand, we need to avoid triumphalism, the prideful view that we Christians will fully succeed in transforming all or much of culture. On the other hand, we also need to avoid the despairing tendency to write the world off, to abandon it as a lost cause, and to remove ourselves to an island of like-minded Christians.”(Plantinga, 2002)

In conclusion, it is vital to aver that, what the author defines as the world is imperatively viewed from the perspective of religion. Thus, this book could translate to be of more value to students interested in religious studies. Am of opinion that, if the author could have explored the concept Christian world view in the context of modern world, it could have been instrumental in building a profound image of how the world

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