The introduction of the internet took the world by surprise through the development of new methods of information access. A person struggling with huge volumes of books just to get a piece of information grasped an opportunity to spend seconds doing the same! Logically, human beings would never strive for it again because the search engines are magically guiding internet users to reach the point faster. The internet is offering search options and results that comprise articles, books, periodicals, and summaries. Mobile phones that are readily available link their owners to millions of sites containing all sorts of information to suit all kinds of needs. Today, the internet has become a part of everyday life. The young and the old spend most of their time in this amazing world of technology. However, it is significant to consider the adverse effects associated with it. This paper will address the question, “Is the internet making people stupid?”

The human mind is malleable. The researchers have discovered that the brain is plastic. Nerve cells keep breaking and forming new connections and networks. Mind alterations change the way the brain functions from time to time to adapt to various environments. Intellectual technologies available to humanity do expand mental capacity, but not physical one. The introduction of the clock is a vivid example. People previously could tell the time by simply looking at the sun or estimating the period that elapsed after sunset. The clock availability thereby confirms a growing and strong belief in mathematical sequences. The combination of human reasoning and scientific clock has created a new order depriving the power of the former. The advancement in the intellectual technologies today is making it even harder for the brain to function properly.

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The studies on customary law demonstrate a new group of skimmers. These people have an ability to visit varied sites and never take time to go through an entire chapter or even a page. Also, once a person skims through any material, they do not visit the same page again. The creation relates to limited time in searching for whatever the users want. The details are neither a part of their life nor something easy for them. The resulting effect of using the internet is the possession of much information that has the least content.

Millions of individuals who are accessing the internet today have great difficulties combining pieces of information and integrating them to get a logical meaning. The days of brainstorming when a tutor would divide the students into groups for discussion are all in the past. Earlier, people would struggle to get business ideas or even information about certain diseases. Google has all that humans require. Just type a key word, and a million and one search results suddenly appear. Having such a source would mean that using the brain is unnecessary. Therefore, the mind gets relaxed. There is no need for storing information or wasting time. The mind has lost its function of collecting material. All a person needs is to press a button.

Reasoning in human beings is related to reading. Reading is an art acquired through practicing and understanding vocabulary. The mind learns how to figuratively translate information from various sources a person is reading. Humans have not lost the reasoning capability because of the internet technology since reading is dwindling. The more individuals use the internet, the less they read. Consequently, they become technology-dependent and begin to think less. There is limited or no attentiveness throughout the reading process. Information is highly condensed now. Thus, summaries found on the internet have reduced the need to explore articles, as well as other sources. With its roots in reading, reasoning becomes negligible with time.

The internet has developed a special way of storing information, thereby, ignoring the need for the brains to recall. The tools used in this technology, such as emails, have become storage facilities for photographs, notes, files, music, and much more. A person often happens to respond to a question by saying that they will refer to the files they have stored and answer the given query. The internet has taken the place where the mind could keep simple information and retrieve it whenever required.

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Conclusively, the internet has made us stupid. Humanity can never think straight on this planet of simplicity. The mind has adapted to the new environment through remapping. The adaptation is resulting from demonstrating how the human mind employs such reasoning. Getting small pieces of information and combining them to apply logic is unnecessary since many scholars have researched almost everything and uploaded the findings and conclusions on the internet. Thinking patterns have changed since the need for using the mind has reduced. All information is available on the web anytime and anywhere. Google engineers are planning to establish an artificially intelligent system which would worse the current state of the human mind.

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